29 research outputs found

    Quaternary Stratigraphy of Southern Bavaria

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    Eine Übersicht der aktuellen stratigraphischen Bezeichnungen fĂŒr die quartĂ€re Schichtenfolge SĂŒdbayerns wird gegeben, wie sie am Geologischen Dienst des Bayerischen Landesamts fĂŒr Umwelt in Verwendung ist. Unterschiedliche stratigraphische GliederungsansĂ€tze fĂŒr kontinentale QuartĂ€rablagerungen werden vorgestellt und die klimatostratigraphische Einteilung sowie die Terrassenstratigraphie als in Bayern meistverwendete Varianten nĂ€her ausgefĂŒhrt. Die Beschreibung der zugehörigen, bisher informellen Einheiten bezweckt eine Dokumentation des jeweiligen Stands der Verwendung und kann womöglich formelle Definitionen vorbereiten. Die klimatostratigraphischen Einheiten sollen den gesamten Zeitraum des QuartĂ€rs lĂŒckenlos abdecken und vertreten derzeit Überregionale, formelle Stufenbezeichnungen. In Bayern wird weiterhin die klassische Gliederung nach Penck & BrĂŒckner (1901–1909) mit ihren Erweiterungen verwendet. Neue Erkenntnisse ĂŒber eine stĂ€rkere Gliederung des Eiszeitalters durch untergeordnete Kalt- und Warmphasen werden in dieses System integriert. FĂŒr diese Gliederung des QuartĂ€rs in SĂŒdbayern ausschlaggebend sind zum Einen die Terrassentreppen, deren zeitliche Interpretation eine Grundlage der sogenannten Morphostratigraphie bildet. Die zweite Grundlage bilden EndmorĂ€nengirlanden, die mit den davon ausgehenden Terrassen glazial-glazifluviale Sequenzen (‚Glaziale Serien’) bilden. Neben der ausfĂŒhrlichen Dokumentation der Terrassen-Einheiten, werden deshalb auch verschiedene EndmorĂ€nen-Gliederungen vorgestellt. Weitere Nomenklaturen, die auf anderen Kriterien beruhen oder zu anderen chronologischen Einstufungen gelangen, sind fĂŒr Bayern oder in den angrenzenden LĂ€ndern in Gebrauch. Auch die beschriebenen stratigraphischen Gliederungen werden nicht von allen Bearbeitern in gleicher Weise verwendet. Die Dokumentation der derzeitigen Verwendung soll eine Abstimmung dieser Nomenklaturen im Interesse der Nutzer fördern.researc

    Services approach & overview general tools and resources

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    The contents of this deliverable are split into three groups. Following an introduction, a concept and vision is sketched on how to establish the necessary natural language processing (NLP) services including the integration of existing resources. Therefore, an overview on the state-of-the-art is given, incorporating technologies developed by the consortium partners and beyond, followed by the service approach and a practical example. Second, a concept and vision on how to create interoperability for the envisioned learning tools to allow for a quick and painless integration into existing learning environment(s) is elaborated. Third, generic paradigms and guidelines for service integration are provided.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the LTfLL STREP that is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Contract 212578 [http://www.ltfll-project.org

    Case studies of personalized learning

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    Deliverable 4.1, Literature review of personalised learning and the Cloud, started with an evaluation and synthesis of the definitions of personalized learning, followed by an analysis of how this is implemented in a method (e-learning vs. i-learning, m-learning and u-learning), learning approach and the appropriate didactic process, based on adapted didactic theories. From this research a list of criteria was created needed to implement personalised learning onto the learner of the future. This list of criteria is the basis for the analysis of all case studies investigated. – as well to the learning process as the learning place. In total 60 case studies (all 59 case studies mentioned in D6.4 Education on the Cloud 2015 + one extra) were analysed. The case studies were compared with the list of criteria, and a score was calculated. As a result, the best examples could be retained. On average most case studies were good on: taking different learning methods into account, interactivity and accessibility and usability of learning materials for everyone. All had a real formal education content, thus aiming at the core-curriculum, valuing previous knowledge, competences, life and work skills, also informal. Also the availability of an instructor / tutor or other network of peers, experts and teachers to guide and support the learning is common. On the other hand, most case studies lack diagnostics tests as well at the start (diagnostic entry test), during the personalized learning trajectory and at the end (assessment at the end). Also most do not include non-formal and informal learning aspects. And the ownership of personalized learning is not in the hands of the learner. Five of the 60 case studies can as a result be considered as very good examples of real personalized learning

    A literature review of personalized learning and the Cloud

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    In order to provide effective application of the Cloud in education it is essential to know how the learning should and could – if needed – be adapted. In this respect the concept of ‘personalising learning’ is frequently used. But what exactly is personalising learning. And how can it be implemented in using the cloud? The aim of WG3 i-Learner of the School on the Cloud network is to investigate this from the point of view of the learner, whereas WG2 i-Teacher looks on the role of the educators, and WG4 i-Future on the technology. The document has two parts: - The first part starts with an evaluation and synthesis of the definitions of personalized learning (Ch. 3), followed by an analysis of how this is implemented in learning style (e-learning vs. i-learning, m-learning and u-learning, Ch. 4) and learning approach (Ch. 5). To implement this an appropriate pedagogy (Ch. 6) is needed. - The second part is an attempt on how to implement this onto the learner of the future (Ch. 7), as well to the learning process and to the learning place. Recommendations are made in Ch. 8

    Deliverable 8.2 LTfLL – Dissemination & training results

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    This report contains an overview and analysis of the results of dissemination and training of LTfLL in year 1; and a description of the dissemination and training plan for year 2